Friday, 10 July 2009

Dude, Where's my gun?

It always amuses me what I see at the entrance to work, most people see the same people doing the same thing every day, they might even say “Morning”…......No not me…...This is the NHS after all……

Monday: Random dude asleep in his wheelchair……Can of “Stella” spilling on his pants....

Tuesday: Woman sat on the floor at the entrance confusing the electric doors, big “no smoking area” signs painted on the floor in big red letters, cigarette in hand, legs strategically covering the “No”…..Genius....

Wednesday: Random crazy, sat in the smoking shelter talking to himself very loudly…. Mental health care worker sat beside him..... on her mobile phone.

Thursday: Prostitute kicking her pimp’s car calling him a “F**king ugly c**t”…..So naturally he tries to run her over....

Friday: Three dudes sitting in a line smoking, all in wheelchairs.... “No smoking area” clearly marked. One guy with one leg, one guy with no legs & one guy with one arm.....

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