Monday, 27 September 2010

Married, Single, Other....

"A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else believes the smile on your face." Unknown.

If I had to tell you about the things I am I grateful for in my life, my friends and family would rank way up there at the top
of my list.

A few days ago a package arrived at my door, after a few minutes panic that I hadn't ordered anything from the Internet and stressing over the fact that someone had probably hacked my account and was probably off buying a holiday with my credit card.....I decided to do the m
ost logical thing any actually open the package.....

As soon as I did I knew exactly who had sent it to me.....Someone who knows me so well that they know exactly what I would love, exactly what would make me cry and exactly what I want for my future.....

The package was only a DVD....a Series "Married, Single, Other" which I missed during my travels but my friend knew I would love. Its the story of three couples, one "Married" but about to divorced, one "Single" but looking for love and secretly hoping they had found it in each other, and one "Other" a couple who have been together for years, have children but aren't married....Yet...

What can I say.....Major cry fest.....but I love it! My friend was so right! It maybe girlie but I love the sarcasm mixed with the couples love for each other. I love the fact that they mess everything up and that human beings are not infallible. I love (and cried) at the old lady from the first episode, who believes her dead husband sings to her at night because she can't believe he would ever leave her alone in the world......

Well done friend...You know me so well! xxx

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